(Our Locality)
The pic that you can see above is the specialized view of our locality. I am properly from Ahmednagar. First I used to think that Ahmednagar is the only place which is dirty in India. But after travelling to other places like Pune, Mumbai (very bad) and states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, I realized that localities in India are very dirty. The major cause for such dirtiness I realized is the carelessness about the surroundings. People generally keep their homes clean and all the waste is thrown out of the house (probably in any open area nearby). The Britishers do not entertain Indian's much (except a few), as they believe that we will surely make THEIR country dirty. When I was on Thailand tour, the tour leader instructed us that this place is not like India to spit anywhere on. Speaking truth, all the people on our tour were laughing, but somewhere in my mind I felt ashamed. Whenever I talk with my friends that that our country is very very dirty, they reply that what to do ? we are bound to live such state. I think BOUND means what ? We are born here and its our moral duty to keep our motherland clean.
Slum in Dharavi (at Mumbai)
Now talking a bit about the people in India and their mentality, I want to tell the reader about the second side of the same coin --- The local governance. The local governance in India has become very much corrupted. They have no moral in uplifting the locals but they just want money money and money. In our Ahmednagar, there is a "virtual" Municipal corporation, for none of the councillor is such whose example can be taken. The politics in Ahmednagar has worsoned over the years. Very few dustbins and no cleanliness of present situation in our locality.
Such an unattained people and bad governance has resulted in the hampering of manners promotion in our country and thats why my first topic was about ditiness in the locality. People entirely rely on the government to clean up the locality. My dear friends this is not possible. Old say that government should give dustbins to the locality and everything will be clean. I completely agree upon them. But yesterday only I saw a woman throwing garbage at the side of the dustbin though the fact that the dustbin was completely empty. What can you deduce from this ? India lacks something... manners, literacy and love for motherland. The last point may become controversial for some of you, but what I mean here is that we all love our country but prevent to develope it. So today, My Countrymen, lets take an oath to develop India heartily and solely. After each of your action see that my land doesn't become dirty. Why not to carry the plastics packets of wafers or anything else after eating from it in public ? Make a self-introspection. JAI HIND.
"Together WE can make a difference."
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