Looking at way the public follow religion is fun, but till it do not come into the progress of the nation. Many of the Indian religion are highly cultural and enthusiastic. But during the celebration of certain festival or during certain period of time in the year, there is a great human loss at the work. Whenever there is a Dindi, thousand of people go on the pilgrimage on foot to visit the holy place of Pandharpur. But anybody knows the insight ? When these people halt at Pandharpur, they live in very much unhygienic conditions. They live on the banks of the river Chandrabhaga, defecation takes place there only and after that the same water goes of drinking purposes, maybe after some tests of purification. When these people go on the pilgrimage, they have to take leave from their jobs or any other services in which they are working in. This leaves the service or the engagement sector out of people at hands. Thus, there is a great loss of the human power and intelligence. Directly or indirectly it always affects the progress of the country, maybe on a small scale. I just want to convey what is the harm in having going by any means of transportation and live there in a hygienic place not polluting the environment and our self-health. The God is bountiful on us even if we pray from our heart. Then what is the purpose of such workings.
Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak started the festival of Ganeshotsav for bringing about the unity of the people. Today the unity can be seen everywhere in the society for the purpose of the festival. But all of you mus have seen the 'TAMASHA' on the day of bringing Lord Ganesha and while talking him for drowning. The youths especially have an high-fidelity music system. There is lot of sound pollution in the environment. Youths drink and dance. Somewhere the seeds of backwardness are sown through such occassions. I dont say that dont celebrate it, but rather be the real contributor to it. Arrange some kinds of hospitality programmes and develop our society. Use such occassions to deliver some speeches of the great personalities. Calling big music systems, drinking and just without base dancing and dancing is unethical, and simply a waste of money time and 'Human resources'.
Every year in India, there are thousand of of yatras organized for various religious activities. Human loss and the nations loss in these cases is worth considering. You see now India is evolving, but only at the International level and not at the internal level. People have immense faith in God, but still our religious places are very much dirty and unhygenic. In one show on discovery channel I saw that people ate the 'prasad' od laddus that was been eaten by the rats. This cases play a very substancial role in the spread os epidemics mostly. I also saw on the television maybe on some news channel that a small boy was being kicked by a local group saying that this will remove all the bad-sights of the people that have affected him. What is this ? Where's our nation going due to this ? At one end India has started the UNSC non-permanent term and at the other end India is falling down and down, my think probably due to religion. More to tell that the Hindu religion has crores of Gods and Goddesses by worshiping them thruoghout the life a man gets exhausted. There so many festivals in the Hindu religion that their importance has no substancial meaning in the country as a whole. People just follow them for a name sake. Indeed a great wastage of time and human power.
I am too a Hindu, but not a old thinking one, but a revolutionary. I am also proud of my religion, but just feeling proud do not keep me satisfied. I want to reform it, transform it and want to make it a religion most most worthy to be followed, dont you, the reader think that ? Since ancient ages people have only modified the religion to its present stage. We are also the people and have the equal right of modifying it, so we can and must modify our religion. I dont say that dont go on a pilgrimage or dont worship god, I just want to say that do everything in its full spirit. Hinduism can be made a very precious just dont waste time in it. An ideal religion is that which satisfies the all round development of person side by side giving him the peace of mind and attaining the God in him.
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