Total percentage of crime in India: 19% of the total working population. This percentage has become very much more as compared to many more countries as the neighbouring China. This major problem has arisen due to an unbaseful judiciary system. The crime are on the verge of increase. This is mainly because the people know that even if I carry out the crime there's no one in India that can punish me. So there is no fear in these criminals. If we would had have a strong judiciary in India, this would have become very very less. Even if anyone launches any case against a criminal, he know that it will take ages for him to get punished. Procedures of filing a case in India is very very simple. But it does not provide what we call justice, its just a compromise in the name of justice. In India the law procedures take many many years to complete. Once my father was telling that the land cases that are filed in the district court lasts for more than 15 years. Then whosoever wants can file a revision petition in the High-court. This again takes generation for the result. Then come the final court court of justics- Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. There are so many cases in the supreme court that it does not time only to look at the case.
The court system in system in India is very much poor. Anybody, whatever may be his crime gets a chance to file revision petition. There are still more intellectuals- One case was reported in Delhi. The man charged was having taken bribe from a poor man. The case went for half an year, wasting the time and money of the poor. The case went against the bribed. But he file a petition against that case and after a long time of arguments, he got the court to his opponents side, for this purpose he filed the revision petition. What a wastage of time and money of the court ! Now from this case I would like to say that the courruption is on the verge of increase, not even the people of the Anti- Corruption Bureau are left from this menace. Corruption has increased due to most main reason- the poor judicial system. The bureaucrats know that whenever they will ask for a bribe there will be no one who will file a case against them (a people's fault), secondly , they think that even if the case is filed against them, the case will last for a generation and then result will be declared. Then again the High Court and then then the Supreme Court. So they can fearlessly demand bribe. That's why people find it easy and time saving to give a small bribe and get there work done.
End to the dowry system has got before ages, but without dowry marriages cannot take place. Asking for dowry is crime under law, but none of the one from whom dowry is asked dare to file a case, due to the fear that the marriage will break. But is it a thing that should be kept hidden off ? Now-a-days, I have found a very very good example of detoriorating the prestige of Indian judiciary. People now-a-days resort to illegal means and then asked for legal action against them, they calmly reply, a country in which Kasab and Afsal Guru are not hanged what such a country's judiciary can do to me. Afsal guru is rotting sice 10 years in the jail but still he is not given his fate's price. This os not only for the one reason of judiciary but also due to political reasons. Why not the country make a special law against terrorism. I am a very much radical and communist point of view that if you found a terrorist live then there shouldn't be any case against him. His Human Rights shall be take and should be tortured till the end. Giving death means a complete "Moksha", this they should not get. India hasn't learnt anything through its past- ie. the hijacking ots plane for the price of world infamous terrorists.
The Indian judiciary system hasn't been revised since its inception from the British times. It has been as it was. We do not recognize the need of the hour to revise it, regenerate it and renew it for the cost of 120 crore people of India. If you are a daily new reader then you will find several cases which will show you justice after 15 years. "Justice delayed is a injustice"- I firmly believe in. Country laws should be so much strict that no one should dare to fall in the desire to have a crime- especially the youth and the bureaucrats. Because they are the one on whom India's future is dependant on. The main problem Indian suffers from is the deficiency of the courts and the deficiency of the judges for them. As much as 1,50,000 judges and courts are still needed. Now its seems to really I have fired on the hot topic. JAI HIND.
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