Well after the shocking incident of Yashwant Sonavne, I think the government still hasn't awakened. The Govt., I admit is only corrupted but they don't have any sense of responsibility toward the masses, that what the masses are suffering and what are and maybe the consequences of the same. The shocking news that had spread like a wildfire came on January 25th, 2011, that some oil mafias have burnt alive a ADM while he was making a shooting of the black oil mixing in the petrol.
Everybody, including the central government was stunned after hearing about this horrifying incident. I have personally tried to find out the causes for this deadly incident. From my point of view it mainly includes:
India is not new to such of the incidents as many of these kinds have already taken place but were not responded to by the media. But this incident became so outraged that 17 lac government servants went on strike. But to no effect. The corrupted council of chief minister now start thinking that merely to stop the people from angry feeling against the government. The government by having raids on the mafias in these 4-5 days just want to prove that our government is very serious about the issue of the oil, sand and milk mafias. Every government is corrupt I admit it again but not till the end of any ADM's life. In a country where Afzal guru and Ajmal Aamir Kasab, the one who killed so many are still alive, what fear these mafias have after looking at them ? I thats why really impress that we are federal in nature and democratic too. But the people are taking much advantage of it. So I think a communist or a dictator type government will surely solve our crisis if the people take to the wits-end.
Everybody, including the central government was stunned after hearing about this horrifying incident. I have personally tried to find out the causes for this deadly incident. From my point of view it mainly includes:
- The corrupt police department play a major role in this. They are being bribed (of-course they willingly accept it) for continuing the hardcore, bad and implicit business of the mafia. So directly the mafias and police force are best friends.
- The local political leaders not only support this business but they must have partnership in it. Without the political support such happening in our country is quite impossible. The culprit must not be having fear of the arrest as the police as well as the political system stood by them.
- Lack of action by the police is also one of the major cause of this I think. Even if considering that the local police do not support the business then why didn't they took action after knowing about the illegal business of oil mafias ? Was the police force (probably the only hope of security of common man) was sleeping for these days ?
4. Lack of fear of the rest of the world. The mafias didn't had the fear of the other common people as they never raise voice against it. And even if anyone try to raise voice against it, they were sure to destroy his household.
What impression the youth is getting in our country. It is said that "violence breeds violence." And I'll surely admire it if it makes our country strong. Take example of China and Russia. In Russia these cases alaong with terrorism occur but do you know what happens with the culprits if they are found alive. The news doesn't come of it, because they execute the culprits themselves and no pardon is granted. But the law process is so much slow in India that the punishment takes decades and still the culprit is not sentenced. The laws such be so strict and so fast that no one should even dare to stand against it. The government has started the raids everywhere but you and me both know for how much long it will last and how many will be really sentenced ? Most of them escape unhurt due to bribing the judges and political interaction. See people yourself how are the people really at heart- merciless. Well mercy is not my topic. Just I wanted to make you aware of the fact that what kind of petrol or diesel your are filling in your car tanks- all mixed and adulterated.... Well at last, if you come across anything such like that feel free to contact the nearest police station (even of they dont act, we know, then also). Call a revolution against it. And finally "Together we can make a difference." Jai Hind !
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